custom phone numbers

A number that everyone will remember

Free personalized numbers contain memorable sequences of letters or numbers that help customers remember which number to call without much effort. For example, customers will more easily remember 1-8**-MY-PHONE instead of a string of numbers. As a result, customers will see an increase in calls and sales.

Make it easy for customers to contact you with a free personalized phone number from Tesercom.

  • Use a catchy word or number that reflects your business, 1-8**-MY-BRAND
  • Personalize further by choosing local or toll-free numbers
  • Let our 24/7 automated attendant handle your calls

Toll-free number options include 800, 833, 844, 855, 866, 877, and 888.

It's easy to start. Just fill out the form and a friendly Tesercom representative will be in touch with you right away.

Centrales telefónicas

What can a personalized phone number do for your business?

  1. 1. Create a recognizable business brand

  • Make your business stand out by pairing your phone number with a service or product you provide.
  • Put your number in public listings, such as phone directories or online.
  • Build brand recognition with a quickly identifiable number: 1-855-EAT-CLEAN for a nutritionist or 1-800-GET-FIT1 for a gym.

Greet callers the way you want