See what voicemail to text can do for you
- Read your voicemail messages
- Stay connected to your business while in meetings
- Forward voicemail transcripts to colleagues

Your two voicemail-to-text options
Automatic voicemail to text: messages transcribed by software
Voicemail to Text Auto uses software to automatically transcribe voicemail messages.A limited number of free transcripts are included for the admin user with all accounts, and other users can be added for as little as $1.95 per month. * You can choose to have these transcripts sent to you by email, SMS text message, or both.
Premium Voicemail to Text - Human Verified Messages
Voicemail to Text Premium offers a more sophisticated process for converting your voice messages to text.The system uses software for the initial transcription of the voicemail, just like the automatic version, but if any words cannot be deciphered, they are sent to a live person for verification or correction.The premium option transcribes unlimited messages each month.