Local phone numbers

Use a local phone number to

  • Present your business as friendly and trustworthy
  • Drive sales with local customers
  • Establish a local presence anywhere you want
Centrales telefónicas

Benefits of a local phone number

  1. Inspire confidence in your business

    Research has shown that consumers often feel more comfortable calling a business that has a local phone number because they believe a local business is more likely to provide personalized service. For example, a real estate agent in Los Angeles with a local area code may be more attractive to prospects because their business number indicates an understanding of local nuances. Use a local number to reinforce that your business is a neighborhood business that prospects and customers can trust.

  2. Compete with Big Companies

    If the service your business provides would benefit from appearing as a neighborhood business, such as a real estate office in Los Angeles, then choosing a local phone number can give you a real advantage over any non-local or national competitor.

  3. Save money while your business grows

    It can be expensive to set up physical stores in all the locations where you want to do business. To avoid the expense and hassle of opening additional offices, you can get multiple local numbers with eVoice. Your business can be national but still feel local.

Greet callers the way you want